

JUser: :_load: Fehler beim Laden des Benutzers mit der ID: 433

Joomla! (53)

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nunc consequat leo at tellus aliquam luctus. Vestibulum fringilla quam non lectus viverra consequat. Quisque elementum turpis in leo cursus, vitae vestibulum nibh fringilla. Sed placerat, magna non tempus semper, ante massa fringilla ipsum, sollicitudin ultricies lacus massa sit amet augue.



Extensions (40)

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nunc consequat leo at tellus aliquam luctus. Vestibulum fringilla quam non lectus viverra consequat. Quisque elementum turpis in leo cursus, vitae vestibulum nibh fringilla. Sed placerat, magna non tempus semper, ante massa fringilla ipsum, sollicitudin ultricies lacus massa sit amet augue.
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Dienstag, 26 September 2017 11:31


Default on:

Default off:

Two new plugins are available but are disabled by default.

  • Contact Creator Help
    Creates a new linked contact record for each new user created.
  • Profile Help
    This example profile plugin allows you to insert additional fields into user registration and profile display. This is intended as an example of the types of extensions to the profile you might want to create.
Dienstag, 26 September 2017 11:31


System plugins operate every time a page on your site loads. They control such things as your URLS, whether users can check a "remember me" box on the login module, and whether caching is enabled. New is the redirect plugin that together with the redirect component will assist you in managing changes in URLs.

Default on:

Default off:

Dienstag, 26 September 2017 11:31


The search component uses plugins to control which parts of your Joomla! site are searched. You may choose to turn off some areas to improve performance or for other reasons. Many third party Joomla! extensions have search plugins that extend where search takes place.

Default On:

Dienstag, 26 September 2017 11:31


These plugins are the buttons found beneath your editor. They only run when an editor plugin runs.

Default on:

  • Editor Button: Image Help
  • Editor Button: Readmore Help
  • Editor Button: Page Break Help
  • Editor Button: Article Help

Default off:

  • None
Dienstag, 26 September 2017 11:31


Editors are used thoughout Joomla! where content is created. TinyMCE is the default choice in most locations although CodeMirror is used in the template manager. No Editor provides a text box for html content.

Default on:

Default off:

  • None
Dienstag, 26 September 2017 11:31


The authentication plugins operate when users login to your site or administrator. The Joomla! authentication plugin is in operation by default but you can enable Gmail or LDAP or install a plugin for a different system. An example is included that may be used to create a new authentication plugin.

Default on:

Default off:

Dienstag, 26 September 2017 11:31

News Feeds

News Feeds (com_newsfeeds) provides a way to organize and present news feeds. News feeds are a way that you present information from another site on your site. For example, the joomla.org website has numerous feeds that you can incorporate on your site. You can use menus to present a single feed, a list of feeds in a category, or a list of all feed categories. Help

Dienstag, 26 September 2017 11:31


The users extension lets your site visitors register, login and logout, change their passwords and other information, and recover lost passwords. In the administrator it allows you to create, block and manage users and create user groups and access levels. Help

Please note that some of the user views will not display if you are not logged-in to the site.

Dienstag, 26 September 2017 11:31


Joomla! 2.5 offers two search options.

The Basic Search component provides basic search functionality for the information contained in your core components. Many extensions can also be searched by the search component. Help

The Smart Search component offers searching similar to that found in major search engines. Smart Search is disabled by default. If you choose to enable it you will need to take several steps. First, enable the Smart Search Plugin in the plugin manager. Then, if you are using the Basic Search Module replace it with the Smart Search Module. Finally, if you have already created content, go to the Smart Search component in your site administrator and click the Index icon. Once indexing of your content is complete, Smart Search will be ready to use. Help.

Dienstag, 26 September 2017 11:31


The content component (com_content) is what you use to write articles. It is extremely flexible and has the largest number of built in views. Articles can be created and edited from the front end, making content the easiest component to use to create your site content. Help